Showing entries 256 - 270 out of 331
Rollett, B., Nold, G., & Werneck, H. (2009). Lebenslaufspezifische Determinanten der Entwicklung von Berufsinteressen bei Adoleszenten: Ergebnisse eines Längsschnittsprojektes. In Entscheidungen und Veränderungen in Arbeit, Organisation und Wirtschaft Unknown publisher.
Werneck, H. (2009). Radiokolleg - Väter. Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Selbstverständnis / Teil 1 (ö1). Radio show
Werneck, H. (2009). Radiokolleg - Väter. Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Selbstverständnis / Teil 3. Radio show
Reid, V. M., Hoehl, S., Grigutsch, M., Groendahl, A., Parise, E., & Striano, T. (2009). The neural correlates of infant and adult goal prediction: Evidence for semantic processing systems. Developmental Psychology, 45(3), 620-629.
Werneck, H. (2009). The roles of fathers in child cohorts. Newsletter of the International Academy of Family Psychology.
Wagner, H., Steger, H., & Werneck, H. (2009). Väterkarenz aus Sicht von Personalverantwortlichen österreichischer Unternehmen. In C. Korunka, E. Kirchler, & H. Ulferts (Eds.), Entscheidungen und Veränderungen in Arbeit, Organisation und Wirtschaft Unknown publisher.
Sirsch, U., Dreher, E., Mayr, E., & Willinger, U. (2009). What does it take to be an adult in Austria? Views of adulthood in Austrian adolescents, emerging adults and adults. Journal of Adolescent Research, 24, 275-292.
Hoehl, S., & Striano, T. (2008). Neural processing of eye gaze and threat-related emotional facial expressions in infancy. Child Development, 79(6), 1752-1760.
Höhl, S., Reid, V. M., & Striano, T. (2008). What are you looking at? Infants' neural processing of an adult's object-directed eye gaze. British Psychological Society Developmental Section Conference, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Hoehl, S., Wiese, L., & Striano, T. (2008). Young infants' neural processing of objects is affected by eye gaze direction and emotional expression. PLoS ONE, 3(6), e2389.
Reid, V. M., Hoehl, S., Landt, J., & Striano, T. (2008). Human infants dissociate structural and dynamic information in biological motion: Evidence from neural systems. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 3(2), 161-167.
Höhl, S., & Striano, T. (2008). Young infants use social cues to direct attention - an ERP-investigation. International Symposium “Foundations of Human Social Behavior”, Zürich, Switzerland.
Höhl, S., Reid, V. M., Mooney, J., & Striano, T. (2008). What are you looking at? Infants' neural processing of an adult's object-directed eye gaze. XVI ICIS 2008 International Conference on Infant Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Showing entries 256 - 270 out of 331