Showing entries 61 - 75 out of 328
Nguyen, T., Abney, D., Bertenthal, B., & Hoehl, S. (2021). Infants’ Social Communication from a Predictive Processing Perspective. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43, 404-410.
Hoehl, S., Fairhurst, M., & Schirmer, A. (2021). Interactional Synchrony: Signals, Mechanisms, and Benefits. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(1-2), 5-18.
Elliott, E. M., Morey, C. C., AuBuchon, A. M., Cowan, N., Jarrold, C., Adams, E. J., Attwood, M., Bayram, B., Beeler-Duden, S., Blakstvedt, T. Y., Büttner, G., Castelain, T., Cave, S., Crepaldi, D., Fredriksen, E., Glass, B. A., Graves, A. J., Guitard, D., Hoehl, S., ... Voracek, M. (2021). Multilab Direct Replication of Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky (1966): Spontaneous Verbal Rehearsal in a Memory Task as a Function of Age. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4(2), 1-20.
Werneck, H. (Ed.) (2020, Dec 1). Bachelorstudium Psychologie. Skriptum zur Vorlesungsreihe aus der Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase (Pflichtmodulgruppen A1 und A2) WS 2020/2021.
Gruber, M., König, D., Holzhäuser, J., Castillo, D. M., Blüml, V., Jahn, R., Leser, C., Werneck-Rohrer, S., & Werneck, H. (2020). Parental feeding practices and the relationship with parents in female adolescents and young adults with eating disorders: A case control study. PLoS ONE, 15(11), [0242518].
Schirmer, A., Fairhurst, M., & Hoehl, S. (2020). Being ‘In Sync’–Is Interactional Synchrony The Key To Understanding The Social Brain? Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(1-2), 1-4.
Köster, M., Langeloh, M., Kliesch, C., Kanngiesser, P., & Hoehl, S. (2020). Motor Cortex Activity during Action Observation Predicts Subsequent Action Imitation in Human Infants. NeuroImage, 218, [116958].
Hoehl, S. (Editorial Journalist). (2020). Babys lernen durch Aktivierung ihres motorischen Systems. Web publication
Nguyen, T., Schleihauf, H., Kayhan, E., Matthes, D., Vrticka, P., & Hoehl, S. (2020). Neural synchrony in mother-child conversation: Exploring the role of conversation patterns. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(1-2), 93-102.
Nguyen, T., Bánki, A., Markova, G., & Hoehl, S. (2020). Studying parent-child interaction with hyperscanning. In M. Meyer, & S. Hunnius (Eds.), New Perspectives on Early Social-cognitive Development (pp. 1-24). Elsevier. Progress in Brain Research Vol. 254
Köster, M., Kayhan, E., Langeloh, M., & Hoehl, S. (2020). Making Sense of the World: Infant Learning From a Predictive Processing Perspective. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(3), 562-571 .
Hoehl, S. (Editorial Journalist). (2020). Wie Babys Sprache lernen. Web publication
Schleihauf, H., & Hoehl, S. (2020). A dual-process perspective on over-imitation. Developmental Review, 55, [100896].
Nguyen, T., Schleihauf, H., Kayhan, E., Matthes, D., Vrticka, P., & Hoehl, S. (2020). The effects of interaction quality on neural synchrony during mother-child problem solving. Cortex: journal devoted to study of the nervous system and behavior, 124, 235-249.
Werneck, H. (2020). The situation of families in Austria. Newsletter of the International Academy of Family Psychology, 33, 5-9.
Showing entries 61 - 75 out of 328