Dott.ssa Dott.ssa.mag. Dott. ric. Carolina Pletti
T: +43-1-4277-47471
Becher, T., Essler, S., Pletti, C., & Paulus, M. (2023). Compliance or empathy—What links maternal sensitivity and toddlers’ emotional helping? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 226, [105547].
Pletti, C., Paulus, M., & Decety, J. (2022). Neural processing of moral content reflects moral identity in 10‐year‐old children. Developmental Science, 25(4), [e13232].
Christner, N., Pletti, C., & Paulus, M. (2022). How does the moral self-concept relate to prosocial behaviour? Investigating the role of emotions and consistency preference. Cognition and Emotion, 36(5), 894-911.
Nijssen, S. R. R., Pletti, C., Paulus, M., & Muller, B. C. N. (2021). Does agency matter? Neural processing of robotic movements in 4-and 8-year olds. Neuropsychologia, 157, [107853].
Sticker, R., Christner, N., Pletti, C., & Paulus, M. (2021). The moral self-concept in preschool children: Its dimensions and relation to prosocial behaviors. Cognitive Development, 58, [101033].
Rütgen, M., Pfabigan, D., Tik, M., Kraus, C., Pletti, C., Sladky, R., Klöbl, M., Woletz, M., Vanicek, T., Windischberger, C., Lanzenberger, R., & Lamm, C. (2021). Detached empathic experience of others’ pain in remitted states of depression – An fMRI study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 31, [102699].
Pletti, C., & Paulus, M. (2020). Neural processing of equitable and inequitable distributions in 5-year-old children. Social Neuroscience, 15(5), 584-599.
Christner, N., Pletti, C., & Paulus, M. (2020). Emotion understanding and the moral self-concept as motivators of prosocial behavior in middle childhood. Cognitive Development, 55, [100893].
The ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 3(1), 24 - 52.
Rütgen, M., Pletti, C., Tik, M., Kraus, C., Pfabigan, D., Sladky, R., Klöbl, M., Woletz, M., Vanicek, T., Windischberger, C., Lanzenberger, R., & Lamm, C. (2019). Antidepressant treatment, not depression, leads to reductions in behavioral and neural responses to pain empathy. Translational Psychiatry, 9(1), [164].
Pletti, C., Decety, J., & Paulus, M. (2019). Moral identity relates to the neural processing of third-party moral behavior. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14(4), 435–445.
Rütgen, M., Seidel, E-M., Pletti, C., Riečanský, I., Gartus, A., Eisenegger, C., & Lamm, C. (2018). Psychopharmacological modulation of event-related potentials suggests that first-hand pain and empathy for pain rely on similar opioidergic processes. Neuropsychologia, 116(A), 5-14.
Pletti, C., Scheel, A., & Paulus, M. (2017). Intrinsic Altruism or Social Motivation—What Does Pupil Dilation Tell Us about Children's Helping Behavior? Frontiers in Psychology, 8, [2089].
Cellini, N., Lotto, L., Pletti, C., & Sarlo, M. (2017). Daytime REM sleep affects emotional experience but not decision choices in moral dilemmas. Scientific Reports, 7(1), [11059].
Pletti, C., Lotto, L., Buodo, G., & Sarlo, M. (2017). It's immoral, but I'd do it! Psychopathy traits affect decision-making in sacrificial dilemmas and in everyday moral situations. British Journal of Psychology, 108(2), 351-368.
Pletti, C., Lotto, L., Tasso, A., & Sarlo, M. (2016). Will I Regret It? Anticipated Negative Emotions Modulate Choices in Moral Dilemmas. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, [1918].
Pletti, C., Dalmaso, M., Sarlo, M., & Galfano, G. (2015). Gaze cuing of attention in snake phobic women: the influence of facial expression. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, [454].
Pletti, C., Sarlo, M., Palomba, D., Rumiati, R., & Lotto, L. (2015). Evaluation of the legal consequences of action affects neural activity and emotional experience during the resolution of moral dilemmas. Brain and Cognition, 94, 24-31.
Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology
Liebiggasse 5
1010 Wien
Room: O1.53
T: +43-1-4277-47471