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Hoehl, S., & Striano, T. (2010). The development of emotional face and eye gaze processing. Developmental Science, 13(6), 813-825.
Lohmann, G., Hoehl, S., Brauer, J., Danielmeier, C., Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I., Bahlmann, J., Turner, R., & Friederici, A. D. (2010). Setting the Frame: The Human Brain Activates a Basic Low-Frequency Network for Language Processing. Cerebral Cortex, 20(6), 1286-1292.
Hoehl, S., & Striano, T. (2010). Discrete Emotions in Infancy: Perception without Production? Emotion Review, 2(2), 132-133.
Stahl, D., Parise, E., Hoehl, S., & Striano, T. (2010). Eye contact and emotional face processing in 6-month-old infants: Advanced statistical methods applied to event-related potentials. Brain Sciences, 32(4), 305-317.
Stets, M., Höhl, S., & Reid, V. M. (2010). Effectiveness of infant EEG-data over the course of an experimental session. Northern League Developmental Consortium Meeting, Newcastle, Großbritannien / Vereinigtes Königreich.
Hoehl, S., Brauer, J., Brasse, G., Striano, T., & Friederici, A. D. (2010). Children's processing of emotions expressed by peers and adults: An fMRI study. Social Neuroscience, 5(5-6), 543-559.
Hoehl, S., & Striano, T. (2010). Infants' neural processing of positive emotion and eye gaze. Social Neuroscience, 5(1), 30-39.
Höhl, S., Brauer, J., Brasse, G., Striano, T., & Friederici, A. D. (2009). Children’s neural processing of emotions expressed by peers and adults: An fMRI study. ESF Research Conference “Gene Expression to Neurobiology and Behaviour: human brain development and developmental disorders, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spanien.
Hoehl, S., Reid, V. M., Parise, E., Handl, A., Palumbo, L., & Striano, T. (2009). Looking at eye gaze processing and its neural correlates in infancy-implications for social development and autism spectrum disorder. Child Development, 80(4), 968-985.
Höhl, S., & Striano, T. (2009). Infants' neural processing of objects is affected by eye gaze direction and emotional expression. Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Denver 2009, Denver, USA / Vereinigte Staaten.
Höhl, S., & Striano, T. (2009). Infants detect threat based on social cues. ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers on "Social Cognitive Neuroscience", Acquafredda di Maratea, Italien.
Rollett, B., Werneck, H., & Hanfstingl, B. (2009). Elterliche Partnerschaftsqualität und die Entwicklung der Neigung zum Neurotizismus bei den Kindern: Ergebnisse eines Längsschnittprojekts. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht: Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 56(2), 85-94.
Reid, V. M., Hoehl, S., Grigutsch, M., Groendahl, A., Parise, E., & Striano, T. (2009). The neural correlates of infant and adult goal prediction: Evidence for semantic processing systems. Developmental Psychology, 45(3), 620-629.
Werneck, H. (2009). The roles of fathers in child cohorts. Newsletter of the International Academy of Family Psychology.
Sirsch, U., Dreher, E., Mayr, E., & Willinger, U. (2009). What does it take to be an adult in Austria? Views of adulthood in Austrian adolescents, emerging adults and adults. Journal of Adolescent Research, 24, 275-292.
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